Terms and Conditions
We are wildly obsessed with delivering the best service possible to our clients.

We also want to ensure that we are clear on what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you to make our relationship work!
1. Responsibilities
a) The responsibilities of Armitage Technology Group Inc. (Armitage) may include, but may not be limited to, software and user support such as: needs analysis; technology planning; software installation; trouble-shooting; training and support as directed by or discussed with the client.

b) The client's responsibilities may include, but may not be limited to, ensuring that staff complete work such as data input or practice exercises according to an agreed upon schedule.

c) Requests for support relating to backups should be forwarded to Armitage in a timely manner. Armitage recommends that the client have their backup system inspected on a regular basis due to the critical nature of this function.

d) Client must provide two credit references using our template.

2. Warranties
a) Armitage is not the manufacturer of the products we recommend; therefore, we are not able to make any representation or warranty as to any product's functionality. Consequently, only the manufacturer's warranty shall apply and Armitage disclaims all warranties, representations or conditions, expressed or implied, of any product sold to the client by Armitage, including any and all implied warranties or conditions of merchantable quality, fitness for a particular purpose or infringement of third party rights.

b) In no event shall Armitage be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages which the client may incur as a result of the failure of a product, loss of data, system down time or system malfunction even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In any event, Armitage's liability shall be limited to the value of the products or services provided.

c) Armitage will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the products we recommend are designed to properly operate within the context of the client's system and are installed according to the manufacturer's stated specifications.

d) Computer systems are complex. With so many products from different manufacturers being integrated it should be expected that there will be conflicts and issues that require technical expertise to resolve. The installation of Service Packs, patches and software upgrades invariably has associated risks that may undermine the integrity of the system configuration. Every installation has an element of uniqueness and it becomes difficult for software manufacturers to test for all possible configurations. Armitage makes no guarantee that the installation of software enhancements will proceed without implication. Should conflicts arise, the client assumes responsibility for the cost of remediation.

3. Compensation
a) Services provided outside of a quoted project, will be billed at the rates outlined in our proposal.

b) Travel to and from your site will be billed at the rates outlined in our proposal.

c) These billing rates are subject to change with notice at least 30 days prior to their effect. Typically, rates are reviewed in November and take effect January 1 of the following year.

4. Invoices and Payments
a) Invoices for services will include an itemized list of services provided and will be submitted monthly with payment due according to terms specified on the invoice.

b) Hardware and software orders require a 75% deposit with payment due upon delivery.

c) Hardware and software remains the property of Armitage Technology until paid in full.

d) A 2.00% per month service charge will be added to all outstanding accounts.

e) Clients with a balance over 60 days will be advised that they are on prepaid terms for 6 months and services will cease until the account is cleared.

5. Termination
a) By continuing with our services each month, the Client agrees to these Terms and Conditions.

b) Armitage can terminate the relationship upon 60 days written notice.

c) The client can terminate the relationship upon 30 days written notice.

d) At the beginning of the notice period, Armitage will provide a closeout invoices for: i) all subscriptions that expire at the end of their term, ii) services rendered until expiration of the notice, and iii) servics rendered to provide documenation to the client.

e) At the expiry of the notice period all Invoices must be paid by the Customer.

f) Once all Invoices are paid by the Client, Armtiage will provide to the client the complete documentation file for the netowrk and release all domain names of the client.

g) At the expiry of the notice period, all security software, network monitoring software, and management software will be removed by Armitage.

h) 30 days after the expiry of the notice period, Armitage will destroy any documentation that has been handed over to the Client.

6. Additional Requirements
a) Client is to advise us as soon as a new person is hired so we can set up their accounts.

b) Client must notify us as soon as (or just before) a user is terminated so we can lock all accounts.

c) Users should leverage our ticket system at https://armitagetech.com/helpdesk/ for a support requests. This ensure nothing will fall through the cracks or get stuck in a vacationing employee's mailbox.

e) Be nice. Life is too short to work with unpleasant people, and we just won't do it!